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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

1 week old

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Here are some of our favorite pictures of our first week with Brenna...

Averie is mommy's little helper. Kempton is on my right side watching intentely.

Kempton is fascinated by Brenna, we just have to watch closely!

After an hour of just sitting and holding her little sister, Averie fell sound asleep. She would hold Brenna all day if she could.

Averie requested to wear her "oggles" for her bath tonight.

There is nothing more precious then a sleeping newborn.

It was Grandma's birthday yesterday. Averie insisted that she sing a "Happy Birthday" solo. Man, those brownie bites are addictive!

Look how tiny she is compared to Daddy's hand!


Marcie said...

Suzette, you have a mini-me. She looks just like you. Everyone looks so happy.

Forrest and Jennie said...

I LOVE all the pictures. Your kids are darling - it is so cute to see how much Averie adores her little sister.

The Little's said...

She's gorgeous! Looks like you're adjusting well...happy 3 kids!

Ponczoch Family said...

Love this whole blog thing so that we can get a glimpse into this new phase of your families life. The pictures are beautiful, and I love that Averie & Kempton have aprons to match you & Cale now. Happy Birthday, Melva!

Melanie said...

Itty bitty Brenna! What a cutie-pie! Happy Birthday Aunt Melva!

mamapickle said...

These adorable new baby pics almost make me want another one! However, that wears off after looking around at my 4 little monkeys:)