Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Operation "Move Chaos Downstairs"...COMPLETE!

The never-ending project of finishing the basement is officially over! Cale has endlessly been working to finish the basement since May, but his work travel, a new baby on the way, and the normal demands of life all seemed to postpone the project. Since its completion, he has been floating around like he has all the time in the world..he's a new man. He was definitely in need of some "R & R!" We have moved most of the toys downstairs and the kids love playing together down there. So far it has been exactly how I imagined, especially with all the mess downstairs! I did a TERRIBLE job of taking pictures of the gradual process, but at least these before pictures give an idea.

Full completed view

Guest, toy, and dress-up closet

View up and down the stairs

Doors to storage room (left) and future full bath (right)

I forgot to take pictures of the other end of the basement, but for any of you who would like to come visit, we now have a perfect spot for guests to stay, bed included!


  1. It looks great! We can't wait to see everything. Suzette you might be the best looking pregnant lady I know (NO JOKE)!

  2. I mentioned to Dave recently that Cale was working on your basement... his response: Of course he is.
    It really looks great! I bet Avery & Kempton are thrilled to have the space for playing!

  3. Way to go! I am so jealsous you have a finished basement. When can Cale come do ours??
