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Wednesday, March 26, 2008


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We had a special Easter this year as it coincided with Brenna's blessing day. Both sets of grandparents came to celebrate, which meant lots of attention for Averie, Kempton, and Brenna. They ate it up!

Averie and Kempton coloring Easter eggs for family night.
Oh, what a mess! Kempton thoroughly enjoyed dunking his eggs into the dye, hand and all. Averie was so meticulous, concentrating so hard to make sure each egg was perfect.

Averie and Brenna in their new Easter blouses from Gran and Grandpa.

The Easter bunny came inside our house (because of course it is still FREEZING here!) in the afternoon on Saturday. We figured there wouldn't be time Sunday morning with getting ready for the blessing and all. We may do this every year! She (Averie tells us the Easter bunny is a girl) gave Averie princess roller skates (she has been pretending to roller skate on our kitchen floor using paper to scoot around), Kempton a dump truck, and Brenna some new bibs! Of course, she also hid candy-filled eggs which Kempton promptly opened and devoured. At one time we counted he had 8 jelly beans in his mouth!

1 comment:

Marcie said...

You had a busy Easter! You all look wonderful.