Thursday, March 27, 2008


Thank you so much Grandmas and Grandpas for traveling far and wide to always support us. We ALL appreciated the sacrifice! Love you and miss you already!
Amazingly enough on the last day, we got a picture of all three kids with Gran and Grandpa Peterson. We tried the night before with G & G Perriton, but unfortunately had reached our limit, a real bummer.

What a lucky girl Averie was to have Grandpa sit next to her during dinner.

Brenna was very content sitting in Grandpa's lap!

So loved!!


  1. WOW! It is so much fun to see pictures of your parents with the kids! What an awesome family time you had with everyone there. You have a darling little family!

  2. P.S..... Your time staying up late to blog is much appreciated, especially by those of us who stay up WAY too late just to read them!

  3. You are so fortunate to be able to have your families come and visit so often. And it's perfect that they were able to be there for 2 special events held on the same day!

  4. I love seeing your family!! Your parents haven't changed a bit, they look great!
