Friday, March 14, 2008

The truth as she knows it

The other day I took Averie to her weekly library class. It is always very well organized with a theme for the day, activities, and crafts...something we definitely look forward to! Anyway, I believe the theme for the day was on jungle animals. As we were leaving (along with several other moms and children), I asked her what she learned about. She told me that she learned about monkeys. Then, as if she had been thinking about it the entire class and very matter of fact, she tells everyone in a VERY LOUD voice, "My daddy has hairy monkey arms!!!" It took me by surprise and so all I could think to do was laugh and then turn to one of the moms who heard her and say, "She's right. Her daddy does have hairy monkey arms." She didn't even flinch as she said this because it is the truth as she knows it. I think it would be such a riot to spend one day inside the mind of Averie, or any three-year-old!


  1. That is so funny. You tell her so does her Uncle. She is so cute.

  2. Suzette! Love the blog! My goodness you guys are on the fast track with kids, huh? We are going to put you on our blog list (I hope that's ok!). We just found Kim and Dave's blog and then found you. So loving this blog thing! Hope to hear from you soon. Also, don't forget to check out our site:

  3. Haha... hairy monkey arms! Love what kids come up with without any help.

  4. Too Cute! I thought the same thing when my 2 1/2 year old said goodbye to her potty as she flushed which isn't to unusual, but then she followed it up with "go find your mommy". Where do they come up with these things!
