Tuesday, October 6, 2009

All about Averie

Averie has been a very busy little girl lately. She turned five...

and chose a McDonalds Happy Meal for her birthday dinner.

She is the first to turn five at her new preschool, so she felt pretty special.

She was a "Turqoise Turtle" and had fun practicing with her soccer team. Mostly she enjoyed the treats after each Saturday game!

She started her second year of preschool and is loving it!

Averie thrives when she is busy, so we are feeling pretty adjusted these days!


  1. She's darling, and getting so big!I laughed at the comment about snack being the favorite part of soccer. SO TRUE for all kids! Even my 11 year old nephew looks forward to that (although he does love the game, too).

  2. Awww... Happy Birthday, averie! It goes so fast, right?

  3. Happy Birthday Averie! Your kids are sooo darling. I can't believe how long Brenna's hair is. I love Kempton life jacket. He is soooo funny and cute.

  4. What a sweetheart! I can't believe how much she resembles you Suzette, I love it!

  5. Averie is growing into such a beautiful young lady...inside and out! Happy Birthday! -Elizabeth
