Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Curly Qs

One of the many reasons I love having girls:

Excuse Averie showing a little leg.


  1. I cant believe how big your kids are getting!! Time goes to fast. your new house looks awesome.. I would not know what to do with so much pantry space!! I saw Sara from High school..your friend(sorry forgot her last name..dancer dark hair) She took me workout class at the gym. was just thinking about you :)

  2. I love the sleepy curler head look! Brings back the memories. Your kiddos are as cute as ever. I'm glad that you have a new camera and SO excited about the new house! Busy days coming your way getting it all put together! Wish I lived near and could actually HELP! :)

  3. How adorable!!! Elizabeth is right. This does bring back memories! You have the sweetest children. Bless you all.

  4. So cute! Can't wait to have little girls and put curlers in their hair!!

  5. Oh my goodness!!! Look how big your kids have grown!!! And LOOK at the curly haired girls!!! They are all so beautiful, Suzette! What a gorgeous family!!!
