Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day Camping

Maybe some day we will camp overnight as a family, but being 10 minutes from campgrounds there is no need. We can go for the day or evening, hike and explore, cook food over fire, and eat smores. Then we go back to our cozy beds at night!
Averie and Braelyn


June has been so beautiful, the perfect temperature (if you aren't me who grew up in 110-degree weather, which I also L-O-V-E). It hasn't reached 90 yet, and probably won't. We have spent our time lounging at the pool, going to the library for the summer reading program, playing with friends at the park, handing out at the wade pool, and riding bikes. I've tried to keep to a schedule for the kids and have something fun to do each day. Averie and Kempton are earning their Disneyland trip, which has worked like a charm. They have to fill a jar full of marbles in order to see Mickey. They receive marbles for doing jobs without complaining and being kind to each other. They lose marbles for being naughty and mean. I have been amazed at how happy I am when my children earn their keep!

The last three weeks have been touch and go for Brenna. While playing at the park one day, she somehow knocked her front tooth loose. I have no idea how it happened because she never cried. You would think it would hurt! Once we were in the car, I gave her a wipey to clean her face from lunch. Then I looked back and the wipey was bloody and I saw the snaggletooth. Trying to keep calm, I had her to the dentist within 15 minutes. She had X-rays and sure enough it was extremely loose. I had asked Brenna what happened and she never answered me, but when the dental hygienist asked her she did not hesitate, "Kempton pushed me down the slide!" The dentist said to watch the tooth to look for infection. If it became infected, it would have to be pulled. Brenna ate nothing but soft foods for three weeks (which was impossible by the way and she was starving) and the tooth is now pretty sturdy, but discolored and still snaggletooth. I'm not sure which is better, no tooth for five years or snaggletooth.

Kempton and Averie spent one week in June at a summer science camp. They had a great time!

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