Monday, July 26, 2010

Fireworks and Sparklers

Summer vacation began with a stop in Utah for a couple of days.
We celebrated Independence Day numerous times.
Not sure if I ever explained to the kids WHY we play with sparklers and watch fireworks...
oops, and I call myself Patriotic!
Visited with lots of family and met up with lifelong friends.

Kempton's shark impression at Thanksgiving Pointe's Dinosaur Museum.


Precious cousins

Gangsta pose (Kempton)

Cale is too cool for this picture

Can 5-year-olds BE any cuter?

Childhood friend/college roommate/neighbor in Michigan/BFF
(Not pictured, but six of our kids are. Sorry Kim, the picture of me was hideous)

Pyro Forrest

Sister Cousins

Sister Sisters.
In other words, what I would look like with bangs...
dang, maybe I should try them again, it's been since junior high.

Too-bad-they-are-related cousins

You can't see Nichole's shirt, but they are all matching in purple.

Pyro Brothers

Fishing Cousins
Future college roommates

Our stay in Utah was a great way to start our summer vacation!

Thanks to the following:

Josh, Marcie, Sondra, aunt Sharon, Jennie, Forrest, Ali, Jason, Brad, Michelle, Nichole, Kim (and family)


  1. i LOVED every picture caption! you are hilarious! its too fun to see pics of your fam so grown up! and kims kids too! love when you post!


  2. Those kids are too cute! Glad for all of the pictures. You and Cale are looking pretty good too! :) -Elizabeth

  3. I just love the fishing cousins picture! Your kids are so cute!
