Sunday, September 26, 2010

My favorite FOUR-year-old

Kempton's life has flashed before our eyes and he is already FOUR!

With Kempton's birthday the beginning of September and Averie's at the end, this year I experimented by having Kempton's party the end of August and Averie's the beginning of October. It worked well, and sure made my life (a little) easier. My parents were here to enjoy and help with Kempton's party, which was the cherry on the top.

Kempton's Dinosaur party was super fun (and at the same time extremely WILD) with 21 tiny kids attending!
(thank you notes for friends)

My parents and Cale designed this huge cardboard Dinosaur. His name is REX.This Dinosaur cake was very fun (and easy) to make. The neon frosting took the cake! hahaEach kid transformed into a dinosaur with these masks. I made his sign using the bumpy part of cardboard, scraps of blue and green paper, and twine. We later demolished that dinosaur pinata.We decorated and individualized place mats. I have a laminator so we laminated on the spot. We also had a dinosaur egg hunt downstairs with the cutest dinosaur eggs they could crack open found here.
Then we celebrated as a family...
and at preschool...

We love our boy so very much. He continues to be our most affectionate child, and also is very sensitive and thoughtful toward others. He is diligent, determined (he scored 2 goals last week in soccer!), organized (his bed making skills are unlike any 3 or 4 year-old I've ever heard of AND you should see his drawers and closets!), asks a MILLION questions and expects an answer, he is very deep, great at explaining things, and enjoys rules. He is everybody's friend and just the other day I heard him in the backseat asking his friend Addie if he was her best friend.
His personality has evolved and changed due to his environment, and we are always trying to figure him out!
Cale and I believe that Kempton is a lot like me, and Averie is a lot like Cale (maybe Brenna is a combo?). Because of this, I can relate to Kempton much of the time.
Happy Birthday Bubba!!!!


  1. I can't believe he is 4. Kempton holds a special place in everyone's heart who knows him. He is such a great kid.
    Suzette,you are like a Professional Party Thrower, 21 kids and everything is perfect. WOW! You go girl.
    Did you make those cupcakes? They are adorable. Kempton better be the cool kid in class after his Mom brought those.

  2. Happy Birthday Kempton! Suzette, he is still such a sweetheart! What a wonderful party...and I am SO jealous that you OWN a laminator...we must be kindred spirits! -Elizabeth

  3. What a great party! Love the huge cardboard dino.
