Sunday, January 2, 2011

Remembering Decembering

A sweet memory from my childhood:

The very best part of Christmas time, the very best part I know
Is not the tree, is not the treats, and not the lights that glow!

The very best part of Christmas time, I'll tell you any day
The very best, happiest part of all, are the presents you give away!

The very best part of Christmas time, the very best part I know
Is not the sleigh filled up with toys, or Santa's HO HO HO!

The very best part of Christmas time, I'll tell you any day
The very best, happiest part of all, are the the presents you give away!

Our month of December was spent gearing up for the big event!
Lots of:
School holiday concert attending, church Christmas activity planning, neighbor and friend gift giving, cooking and baking, shopping and wrapping, card giving and receiving, decorating, "be good or else.." threatening, Christmas music listening and singing, Christmas book reading, project making and sewing, and birth of our Savior focusing.

"I am like a start shining brightly!"

Gran made these cute props to go with one of our favorite primary songs to sing during FHE. (what's this? learn more here)Gran and Grandpa Peterson spent Christmas with us this year.

They left their 70 degree weather for our below freezing.

Here's a little sled action: Each year we look forward to making gingerbread houses.

This year we made them out of gingerbread graham crackers, they worked really well (if you are wondering). Our Christmas Sunday best: I hadn't seen our Christmas decor in two years, so it was "like Christmas" opening up each bin. It's always fun to figure out where to put everything. Late in the season, the 9-foot tree that I REALLY wanted (& needed...hehe) went on sale 1/2 off! Even Cale thought our 6-footer looked ridiculous). I love a festive home! It's just a reminder of what the season is really about.Here's Ollie (short for Oliver) the elf.
He visits us the entire month of December to check on Averie, Kempton and Brenna, then reports to Santa.

While here my Mom started Averie on piano lessons. She is doing well! Now we need to decide where to put a piano.

Christmas Eve Nativity puppet pageant by Averie, Kempton and Gran.

And of course Christmas PJ's...before snuggling up in their beds with visions of sugarplums dancing in their heads
Even after all the naughtiness this year, Santa must have though they were pretty good! Mommy and Daddy were good too! Even though she REALLY likes her (just like me American Doll), I think I like her even more. I love those things and I'm so glad I finally have a girl who loves them too because they were a little after my time (my sister has one). With no help, Averie named her blonde haired brown eyed doll "Charlotte." Kempton loved his skeleton color changerMatching doll dresses: This was the biggest hit, these silly pillow pets from us.

Grandpa now has this blown up magazine cover of great grandpa Perriton hanging in his garage:

Our kids had the rare and special opportunity of having both sets of grandparents share Christmas day with them. How spoiled are they? Plus Joey and Sondra. It was a very relaxed and memorable evening.

1 comment:

  1. Suzette, Your house looks SO beautiful!!! I'm glad I get to see it all decorated for Christmas, it makes me feel like I live closer somehow.
