Friday, February 25, 2011

OCD Never Looked So Good

What four-year-old makes his bed like THIS? With NO help from Mama?
This has been going on for a while now, at least since the age of three.
Older sister could use a few lessons from him, although her skills would be considered NORMAL. This is a DAILY occurrence:
Pillow pet tucked neatly in the corner, blankies folded ever-so-perfectly at the foot of his bed.
It really is an ART form.
Sometimes I wonder where he gets this from...
Then I admit that I was a child who never once "played" with my Barbies.
I would set them up perfectly ONLY to admire.
To this day, each of my Barbies have all of their outfits, shoes, and hair in tact.
And I still won't let my daughters play with them until they are RESPONSIBLE enough.
I look forward to when he grows up so we can go on mother/son organizational frenzies!


  1. Callie is just the same with her bed! Two peas in a pod.
    But I have to say that neither I, nor Callie, haven't NOT played with our barbies! You take it to a whole new level ;).

  2. I love that little Kempton! Maybe he should start teaching some classes...I know my Ekena and William can be his first students!

  3. wow impressive!! i've been following your blog- but we just got ours up with my new email- it's nice to keep up with everyone somehow :)

  4. LOVE IT. My friend says that she's "COD," which is OCD in alphabetical order...
