Thursday, June 30, 2011

13 "el-bees" Lighter!

Even active women gain weight as they get older.

We lose muscle mass (sad), we go through menopause and lose hormones (annoying), and our bodies require fewer calories with each year that passes (even more sad and annoying).

It's called life and it's going to be OK. But no worries, there is a BIG BUTT, I mean BUT...

The Journal of American Medical Association found that if you exercise 2 1/2 hours every week, you could be 13 lbs lighter in middle age than someone who doesn't work out.

I'm assuming that if you work out more than 2 1/2 hours each week, you are even better off!

Just keep in mind that a little weight gain can be a normal (and dare I say healthy) part of aging. Of course when I say this I am referring to people who have always lived their life at a healthy and fit body weight for their height, frame, and age. Even for fit people, body composition shifts with age making it ever-so -important to focus on resistance training along with cardiovascular exercise.

My (#$-year-old) mom looks amazing, but doesn't weigh what she did at age 30. In fact the other day she explained to me that she can't go under a certain weight or it makes her face look older. There is wisdom in that!
She still gets mistaken for much younger almost on a daily basis. Can you believe she has a 34-year-old? One of these days I'll share her aging secrets.

In the meantime, set aside at least 2 1/2 hours each week for cardiovascular exercise!

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