Thursday, August 4, 2011

Frontier Days

Chey-enne Fron-tier Days (shi-'an fruhn-teer deyz)

noun 1. World-famous annual celebration of the American West. 2. World's largest outdoor rodeo. 3. Held annually since 1897 4. The Daddy of 'em All

Family traveled in from all over, there were 29 people in all.

Most of the grandkids

The originals

Averie and Maci

During Frontier Days, there are concerts every night, Cale and I went to Toby Keith. Notice the plugs in our ears, you know you are getting old when the music at a concert is WAY TO LOUD! When Cale was a youngster, he would go to the concerts and be up close in the standing room only section and never once had to wear earplugs!

Either way, it was a fabulous time!

Maddi Pants, who was a baby when we were married, but is now an official teenager.

Sometimes when Brenna smiles, we see a lot of Maddi in her.

Many-a-hour was spent playing the traditional dunk ball. This year Paul joined and gave them a run for their money!

Salon time

Like old times in Michigan w/ Cory and Summer's families

Carnival time: a rip off, but oh-so-entertaining!

The Airforce Airshow

Inside the aircraft

The "men"

I think if he stood up, the chair would stick to his bottom

At least Liam is eating some fruit:

We went to the Melodrama, I'm surprised Cale agreed to go with all the cheesyness it provided! But fun to be together.

Dad Perriton and Rick helped with the finishing touches on the deck. And there's that blue sky again!

They love their auntie Trisha

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