Thursday, October 27, 2011

Lake Powell

We ended our trip to California and back with a stop in Lake Powell. We met Forrest, Jennie and boys there. We stayed for a few nights with them on their houseboat and enjoyed swimming in the WARM water, exploring the beaches, riding in the boat, and did a little kneeboarding and tubing. We ate delicious food and stayed up late to laugh and talk underneath the warm clear skies. The kids loved swimming all day long. Aunt Sharon and my cousins Brad and Michelle joined us at the end and we had more fun with them.

We are definitely fans of Lake Powell after this trip, and hope this isn't our last time visiting! We kept reassuring Jennie and Forrest that it was worth the trip out of the way to meet them there. It was a great finale to our wonderful 2011 summer vacation!

Brenna was so relaxed she fell asleep like this on the boat:

Cale tubing with Averie and Caden.
Love this picture of the sun. That's me kneeboarding. I must be getting old because it felt like I was going as fast as I used to. Plus, I couldn't quite get all the way around for a 360. Maybe with a few more days of practice!

Hunting for little froggies.

Cousins and besties

It took great effort to get this picture. It was a cave off the water, Forrest and Cale heaved each kid up there and Jennie and I tried to keep the boat from running into the rock. Well worth the effort I should say!

She's trying to act adventurous. But it's only an act!

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