Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Big 5

5 years ago we were blessed with our red-headed baby boy. How sweet, focused, curious, and loving our Kempton is. Our easiest baby, our most challenging toddler, and everyone's favorite! Happy Birthday Bubba!

For some reason when my kids turn five, I feel a little sadness. They are no longer babies and start to get that kid smell. :) It is the age where they aren't cute to other people any more, just to their own parents. Or maybe I just think that about other five-year-olds!

Regardless, life moves quickly and my sweet boy turned five. He is still very cute to me and still has that faint yummy baby smell when I kiss his squishy cheeks! Doesn't he look like such a big kid? So handsome!

After much thought and discussion, we decided this year would be the year of no friend birthday parties for our two older ones. Instead, we made a big deal of their birthdays as just a family. Kempton wanted to open his presents before school and wanted waffles instead of a birthday cake. We woke up early and got it all accomlished before 7:45am....phew!!!!

His main present was an upgraded bike, he great out of his original bike and is now a pro at riding without training wheels. I am not sure I told the story about that (got a lot of video but no pictures). Early in the spring, he wanted so badly to learn how to ride his bike on his own. Cale worked with him one Sunday afternoon and this gave him an introduction but he wasn't quite there yet. The next day after school, he ran straight to his bike and I watched him out the window figure it out all on his home. He spent the afternoon trying over and over again. It was a really neat thing to witness, his focus is incredible! By the time Daddy got home, he was riding all over all by himself!

We have a tradition (that was passed down from my parents, they did this when we were little) where we take our birthday boy/girl out to eat all by themselves. It's kind of wierd for them to be by themselves with their parents, but they seem to soak it up! They get to choose any restaurant they want, but Kempton decided on Quiznos. Like any man, he loves sandwiches! And he chose salt and vinegar chips to go along. What kid prefers salt and vinegar chips over something normal like Doritos?

Once school started the next week, we brought in cupcakes to share with his classmates.

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