Sunday, November 6, 2011

Our Halloween Day

Our Halloween Day went as follows:

8:00 am

Daddy and Averie were sick from the weekend, so I left everyone home and took Kempton to preschool for his Halloween parade and party.

12:30 pm

Averie felt better so I took her to school after lunch with costume packed. Cale claimed he was feeling better so went back to work.

1:00 pm

Walmart run.

1:45 pm

Averie's Class Party.

4:30 pm

Helped my three get ready for the evening.

Halloween photo session: Starring Rapunzel, Darth Vader and Witch

5:00 pm

University's Halloween Party

6:00 pm

Traditional White Chicken Chili with friends Nicole, Trent and Madelyn. Trick-or-Treating the neighborhood. Averie and Kempton running ahead with friends.

8:00 pm
More White Chicken Chili. Parents checking and children sorting candy.

9:00 pm

One last Halloween story and time for bed.

I seriously love Halloween! If it weren't for Christmas it would be my favorite holiday!

1 comment:

  1. Brenna looks like Averie with that wig on!
