Friday, June 6, 2014

A little while back, Cale created this poem and sent the kids on a scavenger hunt to share our EXCITING news: 

In this house there is a treasure, it is hidden you see.
But if you follow the clues it is a great prize for the Perriton family!
Work as a team, do not be naughty
The first clue is hidden by the house's new potty.

This bathroom is cool, your family could use the extra space,
Next clue is near where Kinlee goes when she has a sleepy face.

So here is the crib, but Kinlee is growing,
Soon she'll have to move to a bed we all must be knowing.
Enough talk of where Kinlee will next go to bed,
I suggest rather, you check where she used to be fed.

A clue in the high chair, isn't that neat,
Have you ever wondered what happened to her old car seat?

This car seat is cool, all four kids used it before you could talk.
But I suggest you go now on how babies go on a walk.

Strollers are helpful for carrying a sleepy child,
Sometimes they hold two for when children get wild.

Wow! What great detectives, it is because you want treasure I'm told!
You're getting close, now go check where it's cold!

Well, you found tonight's treat, and it is sure to be yummy,
But your final clue for the treasure is taped on Mama's TUMMY!
Be gentle, loving and maybe.
Listen real close because inside it's a BABY!!!

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