Wednesday, July 15, 2015

May Mayhem

Here's a little snippet of our end of the school year mayhem...

and I can't resist showing some baby rolls:

He loves his bath, but seems a bit unsure of me taking pictures of his birthday suit.

The girls worked so hard on heir Wonderland dance performance.  The did a beautiful job! 

I introduced solid food to Levi and he hasn't looked back.  He is such a good eater (it surprises me that he opens his mouth up without any persuading.  It's been too long since I've had a good eater, it's too good to be true!)  He doesn't have a STOP button and will eat as long as I offer.  So far we've tried rice cereal and oatmeal, avocado, banana, apple, sweet potato, and butternut squash. 

Eyelashes and chubby cheeks.  The BEST combination.

He's got swagger.

More happiness with Fooooood!

We sold Kempton's motorbike and replaced it with the next size up (whatever it's called?).  He's quite the natural, Daddy's having a hard time keeping up with him on his pedal bike!

I went downstairs and walked passed my two oldest's rooms.  This is a very typical day.  
The contrast cracks me up, it is so telling of their unique personalities!  The free spirit or the methodical child.  Both are filled with goodness.  I couldn't help myself and caught it on camera.    

 First Mother's Day with my complete brood.

Sickie baby again...scary!

This year I ran the Happiness 5k with Averie (excuse the FACE.  Not flattering at all.) She did so well, beat last years time where she placed 1st in her age group.  She was excited to place 2nd this time.

We found Kinlee asleep in Levi's crib.  It must have looked so very comfortable.

I finally purchased some amazing makeup that's been on my wish list.  

Here was my first try at this highlighting and contouring method.  I've got my serious face.

 Brenna with her friends at the Denver Aquarium field trip

 And Averie with her BFF at Field Day

 I'm so lucky and get to each lunch every day with these two handsome men in my life.  

Buddha Baby

I got a note from Cale while I was away that said, "Nothing you can do about it!"  Seriously?  He thought it was perfectly safe for our 6-month-old to ride in the trailer.  Daddy's are crazy.

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