Thursday, November 2, 2017

Busy May 2016

May is one of our busiest months.  Let's face it, every month is a busy month in our family, but May is probably in the top three haha!  So much to do at the school and all of our various activities.  Everything is coming to a close and we are getting ready for summer break.

Averie (and her bestie Paysen) was one of a few fifth graders to earn the Presidential Award for high academic achievement.  This is her last year of elementary school so it was a great end to her experience.

Kempton also earned some academic awards (with his bestie William photobombing haha).
So proud of these kids for all their hard work and diligence in school.  I've never had to worry about their drive to do their best.  They have an inner pride when they accomplish what is expected of them.  It makes being their mom easier!

Kinlee finished her year in "mom preschool".  She had such a great time with her friends this year.  She is such a sweetie and great learner.  Stays on task and is everyone's little mama.  Her best friend is Brooklyn, who is moving far away with her family to New York state.  We will miss them oh so much!  

We absolutely love Mrs. Jensen in 3rd grade.  She is the best, so bubbly and bright, encouraging and positive.  I'm so happy for Brenna to have her next year!

We caught Kempton at field day

We made a Costco fun!

Kinlee was found in some interesting sleeping areas 

 With the change in weather happening soon, we realized none of us had anything to wear!  Especially Averie and Kempton who don't have any hand-me-downs.  So my two older girls and I went to Ft. Collins for the day for a spring shopping spree.  

 Buddy likes to join us each morning

The kids took the opportunity once it was above freezing to jump on the trampoline in the rain.

For Wyotech's auto show, our Perriton family came over to submit Uncle Graeme's cars.  He ended up winning the award for People's choice.  Lots of fun activities and playing with cousins.  

 Buddy and I started to be able to go on walks with the weather warming up

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