Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wellness Wednesday: Barriers, Challenges or Excuses Part 3

Click here for Part 1 and Part 2 of "Barriers, Challenges or Excuses!"

To put it bluntly, this week's challenges are just plain excuses. Nevertheless, I have heard them more than once! Read them to see if these thoughts have ever got in the way of your success:

This excuse refers back to a post recently entitled "Top 10 Common Exercise Myths." The truth is, many people find it easier to stick to a home-based fitness program. The best program for you is the one you will do consistently!

To be honest, I am a gym-goer. I love the gym. Mostly I love being by myself and left to my own thoughts while I run or work out. But going to the gym may not be practical for various reasons. Finances, a gym without childcare, being a single mom, or lack of time may get in the way of getting to the gym. Or maybe you don't like the atmosphere? I've been to what I would consider "Meathead" gyms where the women wear makeup and the men are huge bodybuilders just out to impress. Not my cup of tea either! I prefer the no-makeup-ready-to-show-my-back-sweat kind of gym.

You do not have to go to a gym to get a great workout! You can accomplish an intense workout by taking the kids for a walk/jog in the nice weather or by doing an exercise video at home. I have gotten used to my kids wanting to exercise with me. They grab the cans out the pantry and work right beside's pretty cute actually. You don't even need a treadmill or elliptical at home (although these are great too) to get an intense at-home workout.

There are so many great DVDs out there! In fact, one of them is being offered for my first giveaway. Click here to join. You can check out DVDs from the Library, or swap exercise videos with friends! Or you could meet up with friends and do a workout video together.

Eating healthy is an investment into you and your family's health! You can't afford not to eat healthy! I have a few suggestions:

1) Simplify your meals and your diet. Dinner at my house consists of the main dish and a vegetable or fruit, sometimes both. We rarely have a different kind of side dish. For example, if I make chicken enchiladas, I don't make a side dish of rice because we are eating plenty of starches in the enchiladas! Or, if I make a pasta dish we don't have garlic bread. Just a vegetable or fruit on the side. If you have barbecued chicken, I would add a starch (potato or rice) and count them both as the main dish. This way of making dinner will reduce your grocery bill.

2) Plan your meals for the week and make a grocery list. You will save money if you plan your meals ahead of time, go to the store with an organized plan, and stick to your plan. My Weekly Meal Plan sheet may help get you back on track.

3) Stop buying processed foods. Is a bag of salad more expensive than a box of crackers? Is a container of yogurt more expensive than a bag of chips? I think not! When a healthy food goes on sale, make sure to buy in bulk (oatmeal, frozen fruit, chicken, salmon, 100% juice, etc).

Stay tuned for next week's Barrier's Challenges or Excuses...

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