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Pin It The information, views, and advice on this blog are the opinion of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of the the people who live in the author’s home, neighborhood, city, state, country, continent, hemisphere, planet, galaxy, or universe.  Furthermore, the individual letters, words, and punctuation marks involved had no option but to be placed into the story, and should not be held accountable for the writer’s statement. Any spelling or grammatical errors are not the responsibility of the the schools the author attended or anyone else involved in the author’s education. In point of fact, the author takes full responsibility for her actions and opinions and does not hold her husband, parents, siblings, other relations, friends, neighbors, acquaintances, people in any proximity, or that strange guy she talked to at Walmart three weeks ago responsible for anything in the following work.  The author freely admits that her views may not fall in line with that of her readers and she is ultimately not responsible for any wacky decision or action taken by readers who misinterpret the content.