Our original closing date of March 31st was pushed back and we finally closed April 8th. We spent the next week: 1) cleaning the construction mess at our new house, we opted to do this instead of pay for it 2) packing up our apartment 3) cleaning our apartment (we went a little overboard...the apartment manager said he'd never seen an apartment so clean...waste of time if you ask me, but Cale was determined to get a full deposit back!) 4) moving out of the apartment and 5) unloading our storage unit to our new house
With boxes piled high and nothing in it's proper place, Cale had to leave for a week long business trip to Pittsburgh. Perfect timing!
Upon Cale's arrival back home, we began turning this house into our home. We have been busy unpacking and getting organized. I am in HEAVEN (I will explain this in a future post)!!!
In the meantime, we celebrated Easter:

This month, Kempton...

- LOVES having his own room. We were worried that he would have a hard time because he has always shared with Averie. Kempton surprises us constantly, maybe he does better with change then we give him credit.
- His most used phrase is "Weeellllll, Maaaaybeeee." And a shoulder shrug like what you are saying is no big deal.
- Complains about anyone who makes a mess in his room. Cale and I recently had a 20-minute conversation with just him, trying to convince him that part of being a kid is making messes. He named everyone who has made a mess in HIS room and the only person he didn't name was Mommy! haha
- You should see the way this kid makes his bed...it is perfection!
- Gave a talk in primary and got many compliments on his raspy voice. hehe
- He can write his name and is so very proud
This month, Averie...
- Talked about plankton, plankton, PLANKTON! (Mommy, is this piece of lint bigger or smaller than PLANKTON?)
- Teaching her preschool friends how to write in cursive
- Enjoys her best bud Braelyn and has created a club called "watch girls" with their new matching fancy watches.
- Was registered for kindergarten...I am going to burst into tears so let's not talk about this yet.
- Her right eye is turning green...seriously, it's the weirdest thing.
- Every single one of her pants has a whole in the knees, she is an active girl and very hard on clothes. I refuse to buy her new pants until next season.
- Is in competition with Kempton to see if she can make her bed as good as his. Kempton is still champion.
- Has been very patient sharing a room with a naughty sister who screams in the middle of the night. Averie joins in on the encouragement, "Brenna, if you sleep through the night I will give you a penny." or "Brenna, you were such a big girl and didn't even scream last night!"
This month, Brenna...

- Slept through the night!!! But we won't hold our breath, one week doesn't count.
- Demands only eating out of a pink bowl, pink plate, pink cup, or pink fork. Poor Averie is stuck with yellow or orange because Kempton claims green and blue.
- Points out everyones bum bum in pictures and stories
- Fights with Kempton constantly but then cries when he leaves
- Does a full somersault
- Doesn't like to wear a diaper
- Argues with me every morning about what to wear
- Does this face because she knows it's funny (I finally got it on camera):
Fun with Easter eggs (thanks Gran!)
Clifford the red dog comes to visit
Glad you're enjoying your new home!! You're children are so cute! Love the update. Also, you keep getting more beautiful as you age!! Seriously! Can't wait to hear why you're in "HEAVEN" :)
Yay! What a great post! I love the new photos and can't wait to come see your house!
Kempton, Brenna, Averie...everyone is getting so GROWN UP! I am missing them, but the pictures and updates help. I want to hear about kindergarten. I can't believe that time is here!
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