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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

28 Days To a Fresh and Lovely Home

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I am so behind on this week's posting. For goodness sake, Wellness Wednesday is almost over! For a moment I thought about taking a hiatis from blogging this week, but that made me sad. You see, it is the last week of school here with only 2 days left before summer vacation. Every day this week I have something mandatory to do both morning and afternoon. I usually blog in the evenings while Cale is busy doing homework or at class (he is working on his MBA), but he is also out of school right now so spending time with him is the priority.

Upon realizing that I only have one week left before my children would be home all day every day, I about had a heart attack. Of course I want my children home for the summer, but I would like to make sure that every day is worthwhile. You know how kids get when they are bored...grouchy, whiney, argumentative, etc. And then Mama gets grouchy, annoyed, and irritated.

So in an effort to get all of my ducks in a row before summer break, I thought I would post what I have been working on this week. Just like eating a healthy diet and following a consistent fitness plan, happiness at home (for me) requires a little planning. This usually entails charts, plans, and schedules. Beware if you are not a list or chart maker...

My first plan of attack is to plan for Spring Cleaning (even though it hasn't been very "springy" around here). I have found the best way (for me) to Spring Clean is to do a portion each day until it is finished.

Who's gonna join me in Spring Cleaning this month? Just click on the image to download!

Stay tuned for more summer organizational helps coming up this week! Don't worry, I'll be back to the norm of nutrition and fitness next week.

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