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Sunday, August 19, 2012

Kinlee Coo

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The other night I was putting Kinlee's 0-3 month clothes in a bin downstairs and I literally started to cry.  I love how her personality is exploding but I mourned my newborn baby.  It's pretty ridiculous and I need to get it together. But I just know how fast time flies and how in the blink of an eye, babies are no longer babies, and children are no longer children.  I am definitely savoring every moment with my Kinlee Coo.

She wears a bib most of the time because she spits up constantly.

Sometimes her little headband slides down over her eyes and the kids will tell me,
"Kinlee's a Pirate!" 

She kind of looks like a cartoon character in this picture.  I can't put my finger on it. 

Her millionth smile:

We nicknamed her "Kinlee Coo," but now we just call her "Coo" for short.