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Monday, January 21, 2008


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Here she is!!!!! Brenna Rose Perriton joined our family at 4:48 PM on January 21, 2008.

6 lbs, 15 oz. 19 inches long. Mom and baby are both doing great. I (Cale) am a Very proud Dad, but still trying to comprehend how all the sudden since Sept. 2004 I have 3 kids.......and yes I know how it happens.....already heard the joke.

We are so happy and feel very blessed that all went well. Most of all, we are glad we don't have to explain to Averie why it isn't a baby girl....she refused to compromise once we found out Suzette was pregnant....she would only accept a baby sister. As for Kempton....I hope he doesn't eat her.


Brooke Bennett said...

Congrats! Girls are so much fun! Cute name!

Ry and Wendi said...


Forrest and Jennie said...

Congratultions guys! She is beautiful! (Good job Cale on posting some pictures right away!)

Phil and Tiff said...

Congrats!!! She looks exactly like you Cale :). Glad all is well. Good luck on those yet again sleepless nights.

Marcie said...

I am so excited. We can't wait to meet her. We LOVE the name. Suzette, you aren't suppose to look that pretty after giving birth. Congrats!!!

mamapickle said...

Yeah! All girls need a sister. Your now officially moved to "zone" parenting with 3 to handle (welcome to the party). Suzette, you look so beautiful in those pics. :)

Ponczoch Family said...

I agree w/Marcie... Suzette, you don't look like you just had a baby at all, you look amazing! Congratulations! I'm so glad all went well & that Averie got her way;)

Brian, Emily, Violet, and Jack said...

Congratulations!! Brenna is beautiful!

Reisdorfer Ramblings said...

What a great recipe you guys have going! She's beautiful...and is that another red headed baby you have? Have fun. We hope Kempton doesn't eat her either!

Christine said...

3 kids! wow you're family is growing and another great little addition. Congratulations and what a beautiful name!

Mary Perriton said...

Great News! So glad all is well. Very pretty name!

Melanie said...

Congratulations! Did someone else have the baby for you? You definitely don't look like you were in labor before those photos ! You're gorgeous! I'm so happy for you guys!