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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Funny Crap and Summertime Randomness

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Being around my kids 24/7 in the summer brought with it more opportunities for me to witness some hilarious moments. Here's just a small sampling:

Upon returning from Vedauwoo one day, Brenna proudly showed me her "glass collection."  She kept is safe and sound in her pockets all day.  
(instagram pic)

Brenna:  Why do Daddy's always do the driving on long trips?
(before I could answer, which I would have needed to make something up)
Averie:  Daddy's drink more soda so they stay awake longer.  Plus they are fatter."  
Not sure what the last part has to do with anything...

"Nectarines and Peaches are very inappropriate."  -Averie

Ready for business.  These three planned their own lemonade stand and were excited to make a total of $20.  Averie acted like a liberty tax waver and was shakin' her little bootie for two hours straight!

They also sold these yummy Lemon Crackle cookies.  I have to be honest that I was very excited that they didn't sell all of them. 

Our class family clown.

It was a wild night with our boys away at Fathers and Sons!
(phone pic)

Brother and baby sister were usually the first ones up in the morning, so they shared some quality cartoon time and a chair.
(phone pic)

Happy (freaking) birthday to this hunk of a man!  He was giddy like a little boy when he opened up his Manning jersey from both Moms.  Now he's ready for the Cowboy's stadium (future post)!  #closerto40than30

The kids got Daddy the usual selection of strange food:  spreadable Swiss cheese, peppered-covered salami, pistachio almond icecream, etc.  He is easy to please.

Our home teacher brought over a bunch of fresh raspberries so I could think of nothing else but to make homemade raspberry icecream. 
(instagram pic)

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